The Importance of Home Insurance

Curious if you need to keep home insurance? Our agents at the Commonwealth Insurance Center serving the Williamsburg, VA area can explain the importance of having a home insurance policy for your house, even if it is paid off. This is because we never know when a disaster will occur. It is so much better to be safe than sorry about the large investment you have made in your home.

The Importance of Home Insurance

No one wants to stand on the sidewalk and watch firefighters attempt to put out a fire at their home. Knowing you have no home insurance policy, you especially don’t want to be in that scenario. Most mortgage companies will require home insurance until you pay off your loan, but even if you’ve already done that, it is still imperative to have home insurance.

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

Whether your home is damaged or destroyed by a fire or is hit by a tornado or some other natural disaster, you will want to have a home insurance policy in place. Even if someone commits an act of vandalism at your home, your home insurance policy can help you pay to repair it or rebuild it, depending on the severity of the situation. Your home insurance policy will also help you out if there is a burglary at your house and your items are stolen.

Home insurance not only covers the structure of your house, but you can get a policy that also covers other structures on your property. These different structures can include garages, sheds, and even decks. Your home insurance policy will also cover your personal belongings, electronics, furniture, appliances, and other household items damaged or destroyed inside your house.

When it comes to liability, home insurance is your number one priority. This is because it will help you cover the medical expenses and other related costs if a visitor to your home is injured. Your home insurance policy can even help you out with legal expenses if the person decides to sue you.

Contact Commonwealth Insurance Center

Our agents at the Commonwealth Insurance Center serving the Williamsburg, VA area are ready to assist you with all your insurance needs, including your home insurance policy. Call today for a quote and to get your policy started.

I have a 1980 Subaru GL. Can I get classic car insurance?

If you own an old driveable car, you may wonder if your car is a classic. Typically, classic cars need more than age to be considered classic. Often, classic cars have historical interest, and their original style and specifications have been maintained. They also tend to be in good condition, although they’re rarely driven as main/primary cars. Our team at Commonwealth Insurance Center understands that the title "classic car" can be ambiguous. This is why we’re committed to helping old car owners of Williamsburg, VA residents understand classic car insurance.

What is Classic Car Insurance?

Classic car insurance is designed for cars twenty years or older. However, it should be noted that the classic car insurance company of your choice determines whether or not your vehicle is considered a classic or not. Although there are broad terms to describe a classic car, the exact meaning varies from one insurance company to another. Like conventional car insurance, classic car insurance protects your vehicle and includes liability coverage. However, it differs from traditional car insurance in that the value of your car is pre-determined by you and the insurance company and isn’t based on the actual value of the vehicle.

I have a 1980 Subaru GL. Can I get classic car insurance?

Maybe. The classic insurance company you go to will have to make that determination. Typically, classic cars are of historical interest and kept in their original style and specifications. If your Subaru meets these standards, it’s possible that you could get classic car insurance coverage. However, that determination is made by the specific car insurance company of your choice. If you have questions about classic car insurance, call us. We’d be happy to answer all of your questions. 

Why every renter should have renters insurance

Renters in Williamsburg, VA count on Commonwealth Insurance Center to provide them with the necessary insurance services. Only about 60% of renters have renters insurance, which means 40% of renters are placing themselves at risk. It is an unnecessary risk since renters insurance is both easy to buy and affordable. 

Renter’s insurance provides a great many types of coverage. All of them are important for the protection of your property and your finances. 


Most of what you own may be in your rental when you are a renter. If you think your landlord or management has insurance that protects your personal effects, you could not be further from the truth. They do have insurance, but it protects their property, not yours. Imagine losing all your furniture, electronics, clothing, etc. Would you be able to replace it all? If the answer is no, then you need renters’ insurance. It also covers property theft even when you have it away from home. 


Liability coverage is what protects you from legal actions against you. Being sued can be very expensive in the settlement and any legal expenses you may incur. No one wants to think about being sued, but it is all too common. 

Loss of use

When your rental unit is damaged due to a covered peril, you may not be able to remain in your unit. If you have renters insurance provides the money you require to stay in a hotel for a short stay and a temporary rental if it is longer. 

When you are in need of renters insurance, Commonwealth Insurance Center in Williamsburg, VA can offer you the choices you deserve. As an independent insurance agency, we work for our customers. Give our office a call for a no-obligation quote. 

Safe riding tips for new motorcycle drivers

New motorcycle drivers often get excited about the freedom of riding a motorcycle here in the Williamsburg, VA area. However, it is essential to remember that safety should always be a top priority when operating any vehicle.

Here are some tips from us at Commonwealth Insurance Center to help ensure safe riding for new motorcycle drivers: 

1. Always wear protective gear like a helmet, jacket, pants, gloves, and boots. This will help protect you in case of an accident or if you fall off your bike. 

2. Never ride distracted – focus on the road and always be aware of other vehicles around you. Put away your cell phone and always keep two hands on the handlebars. 

3. Be mindful of road conditions and weather conditions before heading out on your ride. Make sure you take extra caution if there is rain, fog, or poor visibility to react quickly if something unexpected happens on the road ahead. 

4. Take it slow and steady when learning how to ride – practice in an empty parking lot or low-traffic area until you gain more confidence in your maneuvering skills. 

5. Finally, ensure you’re up-to-date on all maintenance requirements for your bike so that it can perform safely while driving it across town or state lines! 

These simple tips will help ensure smooth and safe rides for any new motorcycle driver! For more safety tips or to explore a motorcycle policy that will protect you and your bike, call us at Commonwealth Insurance Center today. We are proud to serve the Williamsburg, VA area.

Is Boat Insurance Required in Virginia?

The agents at the Commonwealth Insurance Center serving the beautiful Williamsburg, VA area are ready to assist you with all your insurance needs, including boat insurance.

If you own a boat or other type of watercraft, the state of Virginia does not require boat insurance, but it is still a good idea to have an active policy. This is because boat insurance will protect your investment in your boat or another type of watercraft if it is damaged or destroyed by some disaster.

What Does Boat Insurance Cover?

Boat insurance is very similar to auto insurance in the fact that you can get different types of coverage options on your boat insurance policy. For instance, a boat insurance liability policy is critical to have since you never know when an accident will occur. If an accident is deemed to be your fault, then you are responsible for paying the medical bills if anyone is injured in the accident, as well as any property damage that occurs. This type of insurance policy will assist you with all of this.

Collision and Comprehensive Boat Insurance

If you borrowed money to purchase your boat or other type of watercraft, your lender probably already requires you to have a boat insurance policy in place. Collision and comprehensive insurance coverage options are significant because they can help repair your boat if it collides with another boat or a stationary object.

Comprehensive insurance will help you get your boat or watercraft repaired or replaced if it is stolen or damaged by a natural disaster, fire, or even some sort of act of vandalism.

Contact Commonwealth Insurance Center

To protect the investment you made in your beloved boat or other type of watercraft, call the agents at the Commonwealth Insurance Center serving the Williamsburg, VA area today to create a boat insurance policy that is best for you and your situation.

How much umbrella insurance coverage do I need?

When it comes to choosing how much umbrella insurance coverage you should have, it is essential to consider your individual needs and lifestyle. If you own a home in the Williamsburg, VA area or any other valuable property, such as an expensive car, boat, or RV, you may want to purchase enough coverage to protect these items. Additionally, suppose you’re at risk of being sued for various reasons, such as malpractice or a personal injury claim. In that case, umbrella insurance from Commonwealth Insurance Center can provide the extra protection that you need.

No matter what type of umbrella policy you choose, it’s essential to ensure that your coverage amount is sufficient to protect your assets in case of a lawsuit or significant accident. An experienced insurance agent can help ensure that you have the right amount of coverage based on your unique situation and financial goals. Although the cost of umbrella insurance can vary depending on the coverage amount and other factors, it’s generally well worth the peace of mind that comes with adequate protection. If something goes wrong, you can rest assured, knowing that your assets are safe and secure. 

No matter what type of lifestyle you lead, having enough umbrella insurance coverage can give you peace of mind and the assurance that your savings and hard-earned assets are protected. At Commonwealth Insurance Center, our team of professionals is committed to helping you find the right insurance policy for your needs. We take an individualized approach with each client, ensuring they have the coverage they need at a price they can afford, and we proudly serve the Williamsburg, VA area.

How Flood Insurance Plays a Role Following a Major Rainstorm

Flood insurance is one of those insurance types that can be a real lifesaver when you need it. The team at Commonwealth Insurance Center has seen customers benefit greatly from flood insurance. Customers living in Williamsburg, VA, and abroad experience heavy rainstorms annually. These storms can be quite damaging, and flood insurance can help with the recovery.

The Value of Flood Insurance 

Following a heavy rainstorm, you could find that your Williamsburg, VA home is full of water. You could have water in your basement, kitchen, bathroom, and other home areas. What do you do now that you are in the middle of a flood? If you do not have flood insurance and are hit with a flood from a heavy storm, you could face a costly recovery. Just one inch of water equals tens of thousands of dollars in damages.

Common Flood Insurance Coverage

Flood insurance will help cover many things in and around the home. If a heavy rainstorm leads to flooding, flood insurance will cover the home essentials, including electrical and plumbing systems, furnaces, water heaters, and more. Flood insurance will also help cover permanently installed bookcases, cabinets, etc.  

Other areas in which flood insurance provides coverage include appliances, foundation walls, staircases, etc. If there is damage to your home, flood insurance will kick in and help.

The Commonwealth Insurance Center team is serving the Williamsburg, VA residents routinely who need flood insurance. Heavy rainstorms continue to pick up annually, and the value of having flood insurance can be good peace of mind for homeowners.  

What Does Condo Insurance Cover?

While most condo associations have their own insurance policies in place, condo owners should also secure their own insurance policy to ensure they have the protection they need to protect the huge investment they made in their beautiful condominium. The agents at the Commonwealth Insurance Center in Williamsburg, VA want you and your condo to be protected with adequate condo insurance.

A condo association’s insurance policy will more than likely only cover the building in which your condo is located and common areas throughout the property. These common areas can include patios, recreation centers, workout facilities, swimming pool areas, and more. What the association’s condo insurance will not cover is the inside of your condo. This includes your personal belongings, appliances, furniture, and even the light fixtures and the inside walls of your condo.

What Does Condo Insurance Cover?

Your condo insurance policy can cover all of the things mentioned above. This means if you have a fire at your condo or are a victim of vandalism or theft, your condo insurance can help you replace any lost or damaged items.

Your condo insurance policy can also provide you with a certain amount of liability protection. If someone slips and falls inside your condo and is injured, your insurance will help pay for their medical bills.

These are very important coverage options to have in place and can also include flooding of your condo and other things that could happen to damage the interior portion of your beautiful condominium.

Contact Us

To create the best condo insurance policy for your situation, you need to enlist the assistance of an insurance agent with experience in condo insurance policies. The condo insurance agents at Commonwealth Insurance Center in Williamsburg, VA are ready to assist you. Call today for an appointment!

Types of Life Insurance

Life insurance is always essential for anyone who has people who depend on them. There are two main types of this coverage that work in different ways. Before you choose a life insurance policy, you should know about the different types, so you will know which is best for your situation and budget. When you need to get a life insurance policy, call us at Commonwealth Insurance Center in Williamsburg, VA to get started. 

Term Life Insurance Policies

These policies are suitable for a term of time, generally measured in several years. This may be ten years, twenty, etc. During that term, you have the death benefit in place, so your family will benefit if you pass. However, your policy will expire at the end of this term of years. Some people don’t like that these policies expire and choose a different type because of it. The main benefit of these policies is that they are so inexpensive. With these policies, many people can get a large amount of coverage for a low price. 

Whole Life Policies

These insurance policies are not made for just a specific term. They are made to continue for the rest of your life. This makes them attractive policies for many because they don’t have an expiration date. They are more expensive than term policies, but many people like that they can keep these policies for as long as they want to keep them. Whole-life policies also build a value that you can later borrow against. If you should have a financial problem and need cash, you can borrow this amount to get out of it. 

Get Your Life Insurance Policy

It’s essential to have life insurance, and we can help. Call us at Commonwealth Insurance Center in Williamsburg, VA.


Boating safety tips

Boating can be a fun and relaxing way to spend a summer day, but it’s important to remember that it can also be dangerous. Here are some tips to help you stay safe while boating.

  1. Always wear a life jacket when you’re on the water. This is one of the most important safety rules, as it can help to keep you afloat and protected in the event of an emergency.
  2. Before going out on your boat, make sure that it is in good condition and is equipped with all necessary safety gear. This includes things like flares, first aid kits, and navigational charts.
  3. Before you set out on the water, it’s important to check the weather conditions and forecast. This will help you to avoid hazardous weather or areas that might be dangerous due to strong currents or obstacles in the water.
  4. When you’re boating, it’s important to follow all traffic laws and regulations. This includes obeying speed limits, maintaining a safe distance from other boats and swimmers, and following navigational rules.
  5. To stay safe while boating, it’s important to always be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to potential hazards such as rocks, logs, and sandbars, and use common sense when navigating tricky waterways or planning your route.
  6. Finally, always be prepared for the unexpected while you’re on the water. This means having a well-stocked first aid kit onboard and keeping an eye out for weather changes or other potential dangers. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your boating trip is a safe and enjoyable one.

If you have any further questions or would like more information on staying safe while out on the water, call Commonwealth Insurance Center today. We proudly serve the Williamsburg, VA area.